Floral Dress and Denim Vest

I was wearing:
Bershka- Floral Dress ( Similar Here) // Denim Vest-Pull Bear (Similar Here)// Wedges-Stradivarius (Similar Here)
Hi my petites!
I am living in hell. The heat is very high here at my hometown. You are going to sweat everything you are going to wear. If you want to wear many layers of clothing, it’s not an option.
I decided to wear this denim vest with my floral dress to make it more interesting and not boring. This denim vest is very heavy, I need to admit it. At summer days, a floral dress is always a good and fresh option. You are always going to look feminine and pretty.
Hola mis petites~
Mi ciudad está que arde y es súper difícil decidir que ponerte porque vas a sudar todo. Debo de usar solamente lo necesario. El usar capas ligeras es también imposible de usar en mi infierno pero esta vez decidí dejar pasar el calor y usar mi chaleco de denim que debo de admitir que pesa algo.
Un vestido floral con los accesorios correctos te van a hacer lucir fresca y bonita en todo el día.
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