
Blogging Tips

Blog Planner Freebie

  Hello my petites! Thank you so much for following me and being by my side all this time.It's been a wonderful journey blogging for you. I really want to be an inspiration and help petite and latin girls like me. But not only to them, also to new bloggers and creatives. Being at Bloguettes, has opened my mind of what I'm doing right and wrong in blogging. That's why I'm going to start doing freebies for you!  This will help my creative side to develope. More importantly, to help you. When I st[...]

Must-have cameras for bloggers

{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 } Even though I’m not a professional photographer, I’ve learned the basics of photography throughout college, blogging and experience. Social media is a huge part of our daily life. People are very visual nowadays and love to see pretty pictures, as we can see with the success of Pinterest and Instagram. That's why if you're thinking about opening a blog or already have one, you should invest in a good camera, lenses and accessories as well. The quality of your pictures will dete[...]

Book Club: November List

  I’ve been a book lover since I was a little girl.  I can remember my first novel was "Little Women" at Elementary school.  Books are a huge part of my life. My first adventure was Hogwarts. My first love (and still) is Mr. Darcy. I was always the shy girl who was behind a book in high school. One of my silly dreams was to live in a city with a Barnes and Nobles. I finally did when I moved to Phoenix, Arizona a year ago. That's why I will make a list of the books I love or want to read du[...]

Loving these sites: Blogging resources

As a blogger I love to learn all about blogging and to be updated. I wish there was like a school or major for blogging but sadly there aren't. That's why I look for sites and blogs that can help you to be a better blogger. Also it will help you very much for inspiration. Blogging is very hard. You need to know about SEO, social media, writing, organization, basic photography and design skills. Here are my top 5 of helpful and inspirational blogging resources that can help improve your blogging and social[...]