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Must-have fall shoes with Kohl’s madden NYC

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3 Reasons Why I Love Europe

It's no secret that I love Europe with all my heart. I have an obsession with British history and French fashion. I fall for European guys the moment I hear their accents. Since I was young, I've had a fascination with the old continent. 3 Reasons Why I Love Europe History I'm a history nerd, especially when it comes to European History. History was my favorite subject during school and my favorite books are historical fiction especially the Tudors and the War of Roses.  I was always drawn[...]

Why I fall in love with BEDGEAR

Everyone has their own preferred position when it comes to sleeping. Some people are stomach, side or back sleepers. So why is this important? Your body is in that position for 8 hours! This can be a good or bad thing depending on your positioning. I’m here to tell you some good news for Arizona people like me. BEDGEAR just released their first ever Performance Sleep Shop in Arizona at the new Mor Furniture store in Gilbert, AZ. BEDGEAR offers pillow fittings, which help you to find the right pillow[...]

My Favorite Natural Face Cream: Juveness

I'm so excited to write this blog post. Something I really try to prioritize is taking care of my skin. I have always dealt with oily skin, redness, and acne scars. I wear heavy make up every day including foundation, contour, red lipstick and eyebrows. I spend like 3o minutes putting it on each day. I know it's bad for your skin to wear heavy makeup, especially when you live in a desert and you're sweaty af so your makeup disappears in a matter of minutes! I have been told by my friends, family,[...]

The Best Skincare Products For Summer

It's been awhile since I last posted about my favorite beauty products of the month. I haven't really done much skincare product shopping--I received so many free samples or sponsored products in the last couple of months that I didn't have any personal favorites. So last month, I finally did a little skincare shopping at Sephora! On the blog today I'm featuring skincare products that are amazing for those who live in a desert or a very dry climate like Arizona. Now, let's begin this list: The Best[...]