Petite Fashion Monster | How to wear white sneakers

How To Wear White Sneakers

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Photography by: JPetite Photography

Sneakers: Adidas | Watch: Daniel Wellington | Sunglasses: Firmoo | Pants: Local Mexican Store | Crop Top: Similar Here 


Happy Monday, everyone! The year is almost done so holidays are around the corner and I can’t stop thinking about all the food I will eat for the next couple of weeks. Please pray for me so that I don’t gain any weight for all the tamales I will be eating.  Life has been restless. Bloguettes has been very busy and getting everything set up for next year. My best friend’s wedding will be celebrated next week and I’m freaking out. Being the maid of honor is scary and fun at the same time.  My friend, Malin, from Finland is attending to the wedding. All the way through October and November, I was busy with weddings and driving back and forward to Mexico and Phoenix. I really need a break, but at the same time, I love been busy and being all over the place.

Well, let’s get to the main point of this post. This year was the comeback of the famous Adidas Superstar Shoes.  You must have seen them being wear by every It Girl, model, celebrity, fashion blogger, and even your neighbor, if not that means you were leaving under a rock.  I couldn’t resist to buy my pair, even though I like my white converse the most, to be honest with you. You can wear any white sneakers you want. They are so trendy and even my idol, Victoria Beckham, is not wearing high heels anymore and she is all about the white sneakers trend. Actually this look made me feel like her. Don´t you think this is very Victoria Beckham? Black and White combo with big sunglasses or maybe I’m fangirling too much here.

Now every store has very cool white sneakers, but the Adidas sneakers are the ones you need to have in your closet, because they are affordable, they look good in everyone, and the most important thing is you will look awesome wearing them on your Instagram.

Btw guys, any good and fun plans for your Holidays?


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